
With the definition of events you have an impressive tool for designing dynamical layouts. To define such events could be a little bit complex. Maybe you need some basic knowhow about programming a computer system. Some controls does send events itself when changing the state. You can also define a Command Action and create your own events.

You will find information about controls and which property of the you can manipulate in the chapter controls.

We want to illustrate events with a small example how to enable (make visible) a composite control while pressing a button. You have to define a button and add an Command Action with Command Name „Send Event“.

Event Action on the button

Enter a descriptive name for your event in the field „Parameter“ as event ID. You can take some descriptive text or any else. It does not matter what – but you have to configure this ID again later while configuring the event handler.

Event Hanlder on the Composite

Create on the countrol where you want to react to the event a Event Handler. In this case we do not have a sender component. Events sendet by system normally has a sender which you have to configure.

Now you have to set the Property. It corresponds to the parameter which you has defined priviously as value on the event. Sender (if you have one), propery and the value musst correspond with the information on the event so that the event handler will be called. An exception is if you define an Opterator (OP) „not“. In this case the event handler will be called if the value corresponds not with the value on the event (sender and property still must be equal).

After this you have to define what is to do when the event handler is called. Enter on the table in the lower part of the dialog a attribut, which you want to manipulate. Which attributes are possible to manipulate is described in the chapter of each control. In this example want to set the attribute „visible“ to the value „true“. This makes only sense if the control is invisible (visible = false) either it is defined as invisible control or it was set to invisible previously by an other event.

Instead of changing an Attribute on a control you have also the possibility to execute a macro. For that purpose, you can enter the name of the macro in the filed Operation as follows: macro(mymacro).
Anstelle von Attributen zu manipulieren besteht auch die Möglichkeit ein Macro auszuführen. Geben Sie dazu im Feld Operation wie folgt den Macronamen an: macro(maymacro)

System Events

The following systems or controls does sent events itself:

Bluesound system

ID of the Bluesound Devices„Volume“0 – 100Change of volume, for example with wheel control
#null„broadcastresult“MAC AdresseBroadcasting to Bluesound Systemes
ID of the Bluesound Deviceinput„TUNEIN“, „OPTICAL“, „BLUETOOTH“ oder „NETWORK“Change of source on a Bluesound Device
„SELECTEDGATEWAY“„Input“„TUNEIN“, „OPTICAL“, „BLUETOOTH“ oder „NETWORK“Change of source on the selected Bluesound Device
ID of the Bluesound Devicestate„play“, „stop“, „pause“State of Bluesound Device
„SELECTEDGATEWAY“„state“„play“, „stop“, „pause“State of the selected Bluesound Device
ID of the Bluesound DeviceSyncState„INDEPENDENT“, „SELECTED“, „MASTER“, „SLAVE“ oder „UNKNOWN“Sync State of the Bluesound Device
ID of the Bluesound Systems„defaultGateway“ID des Bluesound DevicesChange of default Device
ID of the Bluesound Devices„WorkingGateway“ID of the Bluesound DevicesChange of selected Device

Broadlink device

ID of the Gateways„initialized“„true“Initialisation of Broadlink RM pro was succsessfully


ID of theGateways„initialized“„true“Initialisation of Chormecast was successfully
ID of the Gateways„volume“0 – 100Change of volume on the Chromecast device

myStrom Switch

ID of the Gateways„initialized“„true“MyStrom Gateway is initialized successfully
ID of the Gateways„power“„on“Power is switched on
ID of the Gateways„power“„off“Power is switched off

Power Switch Control

ID of the Control„power“„on“Power is switched on
ID des Controls„power“„off“Power is switched off

Philips Hue

ID of the Gateways„intialized“trueGateway is initialised successfully
ID of the Device„intialized“trueDevice is initialised successfully
ID of the Gateways+ „-selected“„selected“ID of the DeviceSelection of a Hue Device
ID of the Devices„color“color definitionChange of color on an Hue device
ID of the Device„state“„on“ or „off“Chage of state

openHAB device

ID of the Device (Thing)„color“Color definitionChange of the color on a thing
ID of the Device (Thing)„state“„on“ or „off“Change of state on a thing

Harmony device

#null„broadcastresult“IP of Harmony HubsBroadcasting result from a Harmony Hubs

Harmoy Hub

ID of the Gateway„connected“„true“Gateway is connected
ID of the Gateway„connected“„false“Gatway is not connected or lost connection

ID of the UPnP Gateways („gw.UPnP“)„broadcastresult“IP of the UPnP DeviceBroadcasting result of a UPnP Device


Network„rescan“„done“Networkscan finished

Multicast DNS

MulticastDNS„broadcastresult“„Host Name“Multicast DNS Response received

IRControl System

#null„refresh“#nullWill be called from some layout control, but can be called also manualy
IRControlApplication„refresh-30“refreshIRControl does send this event every 30 seconds
IRControlApplication„refresh-500“refreshIRControl does send this event every 500 seconds