Image Button

The image button you can use to control functionality of the IRControl System. For this you have to define an action.

Control attributes

PictureThe picutre file. (start the search button for the image dialog where you can choose an image). More about it you will find in chapter Image Dialog.
(press down)
A second, optional picture file can be configured which will be showed when the button is pressed. When releasing the button the image switch back again.
TextOptionally you can define also some text for the image button. With the attribute image position you can define how text and image will be placed in this case.
Dynamic PictureA picture loaded from a service will be displayed. See also «Dynamic Attributes«.
Dynamic TextA text loaded from a service will be displayed. See also «Dynamic Attributes«
Font sizeSize of font (if also some text is defined).
Image heightHeight of the image. This attribute you use basically if you have defined some text additionally.
Image widthWidth of the image. This attribute you use basically if you have defined some text additionally.
Image paddingThie attribute defines the distance between text and image. It has any impact if there is defined some text in addition.
Image positionPosition of the image inside the button control. It has impact if there is defined some text additionallly. Options are left, top, right, bottom and background (in this case the immage will be displayed as button background).
IDOptional attribute. Is is used for some special configurations only.

Layout attributes

How layouting of a control works is described in chapter Control Layout.


You can add actions to the control for the following triggers:

clickWill be executed when clicking on the button
longclickThe action will be executed, if you click on the button and keep it pressed for a moment.
timingThe action will be executed several time, as long the button will be pressed. This makes sense especially for volume control of devies (if you use a Logitech Harmony Hub, you have to use ths trigger in any case for volume control).
oncheckIt is used for some special configurations only.
oncheckedIt is used for some special configurations only.
onstartwill be executed while creating the page after the contro is initialized
ondownwill be executed while pressing the button down
onupwill be executed while releasing the button
onstatechangeis exexuted whenn the state of the control changes.
onuncheckedIt is used for some special configurations only.
onstatechangeIs called when the state of the control changes.
onrefreshIs called a resfresh command was sent.

You can read more about actions in the chapter Actions.


The following attributes can be changed by a event handler:

bitmapimage file
pressedbitmap image file which will be displayed if the button is pressed down.
bgcolorBackground color
colortext color
visibletrue / false
enabledtrue / false
rotateRotation of the control in degrees
statefor customer puprpose usable attribute (see also the chapter State Attribute for more information)

In chapter Events, you can read more about events.