Harmony Hub

The IRControl System does support the Logitech Harmony Hub to send infrafred sequences. To use the Harmony Hub it must be configured first with the Logitech Tools (Harmony App or MyHarmony Windows Software). You have to configure your home electronic equipment you want to control within the Logitech configuration software. Keep in mind, that you don’t have to define Actions on your Harmony Hub. In the actual version, the IRControl software does not support actions. But you can define IRControl Macros (sequence of control codes) and playback them.

Attention: On Harmony Hubs with Firmware 4.15.250 the XMPP interface musst be enabled explicitly. (See also Harmony Hub)

For accessing the harmony hub in IRControl you have to register it as a device

You have to configure the Mac address or IP address of your harmony hub. Further information about the configuration of network devices you will find in the chapter networkconfiguration. You have also to enter a name and a unique ID for your deivce.

If you register new control sequences (in Harmony App), you have to restart the IRControl App for making them available.

With version 10 of Android and later and with the iOS app, the Mac address cannot be determined. It does not have to be recorded here. The device is identified via the uuid.