
The text control (or text label) simply shows text. It can be used to label any other design elements.

Control attributes

TextText to Display. With \n you can insert a line break, with [#TEXT] you can include dynamic text.
Dynamic TextA text loaded from a service will be displayed. See also «Dynamic Attributes«.
Font sizeSize of used font. The default value is 10
max. LinesLimitation of maximum count of lines (if system forces line breaks)
Text AlignAlignment of text within the control. This option only has some effect if the width of the control is larger than the text. The Height=“Warp“ (Layout tab) does not make any sense in this context.
IDOptional attribute. Is is used for some special configurations only.

Layout attributes

The Layout Attributes of a control are described in chapter Control Layout.


You can define actions for the following triggers:

onstartwill be executed while creating the page after the contro is initialized


The following attributes can be changed by a event handler:

textText that will be displayed
bgcolorBackground color
colortext color
visibletrue / false
xX coordinate
yY coordinate
widthwidth of the control
heightheight of the control
rotateRotation of the control in degrees
statefor customer puprpose usable attribute (see also the chapter State Attribute for more information)

In chapter Events you can read more about event handling.